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granite worktop care

our kitchen has a granite worktop, it is a new one, any suggestions on upkeep, what is the best way to look after it, what cleaning products etc.and where would I purchase them from. At the moment it has not got the high shine that i would like, any suggestions on how to obtain this would be great, somebody has said i need to get it sealed,but again no idea if this is right or wrong, it has got a sort of shine but not the high gloss
Many thanks


we were told to use a special surface cleaner with no added acid>we use flash special surface cleaner spray and water, then use a wax like pledge and polish at least once a week to get a bild up layer. also coke and red wine and beetroot spills must be got up immidiately as they eat into the granite.

Commented faycooper20 in Quesada 2012-08-30 18:56:33 UTC

thanks for that, thought i had it sorted, found what i wanted on the "Lakeland" website in the uk, and they ship to spain, but not liquids, i will try the flash, i suppose its anything without bleach, dettox perhaps,,

Commented Sylvia in Quesada 2012-08-30 19:15:39 UTC

Aki in Haberneras sell a spray for marble/granite (Sp. marmol) its ver good

Commented elainewood9 in Quesada 2012-08-30 23:07:33 UTC

Put washing up liquid on a damp cloth and wipe over. Then polish with a dry cloth. What's the problem? You do not need granite sealing. The spray-on glass cleaner works well also.

Commented Jim Gallagher in Quesada 2012-08-30 23:26:33 UTC

excellent, heard so many different do's and dont's, and obviously dont want to ruin it, it is meant to be hardwearing and practical after all
thanks again

Commented Sylvia in Quesada 2012-08-31 06:00:43 UTC

Brilliant, thanks Elaine, you seem to be my little helper!! thanks again

Commented Sylvia in Quesada 2012-08-31 06:04:38 UTC